Our Composite Group consists of three separate companies.
These companies have established large OEM customers that rely on applications that range from precision injection molding to the forming of large composite plastic parts. Below is a summary of each respective division. We invite you to explore RMC’s, Cebo’s, and Faroex’s website.

Acquired by NanoXplore in September 2018 (then a subsidiary of Sigma Industries, a former publicly traded company), RMC is a solutions‐driven, customer‐intimate manufacturer of molded plastic and composite parts and assemblies. The core strategy of RMC is to avoid direct competition with large, vertically integrated competitors by developing technologies, product designs and new manufacturing concepts that provide customers with superior services and products that facilitate market leadership. The company’s technology specializes in processes that support high-volume, high-speed, and large surface-area molding. These technologies include: HRTM, RIM, DCPD, PU, RTM, VARTM, and SMC. RMC competes in various markets that include the transportation, agriculture, and construction sectors with a strong foot-hold within the Commercial Bus and Truck transit market. The company has three production plants in Beauce, Quebec, with the anticipation of expanding in the U.S.

Acquired by NanoXplore in November 2017, Cebo specializes in precision injection molding. Located in Vallorbe, Switzerland, Cebo has developed a strong reputation since 1990 as a producer of intricate, delicate, and complex plastic parts. The company manufactures products for many high-tech and often technical applications that demand the highest of quality and precision servicing the automotive, medical, electrotechnical, cosmetic, and watchmaking industries.

Based in Gimli, Manitoba, Faroex provides solutions from a range of technology and composite process options that include pultrusion, resin infusion, reaction injection molding, and structural injection molding. These technologies are further tailored to fit its customers’ performance, manufacturing, and business criteria within the Alternative Energy, Agriculture, Specialty Vehicle and Commercial Transport markets. From critical structures for wind turbine blades, to lightweight, corrosion resistant bus bodies, Faroex uses high-technology composites to create total product offerings in design, manufacturing, and supply management for its industry-leading customers.